Florian Neukart

About the speaker
- Dr.
- Terra Quantum AG
- CPO Terra Quantum AG
- https://terraquantum.swiss/
Shaping the future of mobility: Why quantum technologies promise a boost in innovation
In five to ten years, hybrid quantum computing will have transformed and will continue to transform almost every industry. And automotive will be among those most positively impacted: Quantum computing will allow for new battery technologies and improved assisted, piloted, and automated driving. It will significantly contribute to optimizing traffic flow in dense areas. Furthermore, the technology offers unprecedented potential to improve the vehicle production process, enhance automated parts- and vehicle design, and optimize logistics.
The impact of quantum technologies for the mobility industry will be enormous. We already work with quantum computing applications to tackle some of the current challenges, for example, smart routing in logistics or traffic flow optimization. I am excited to see this potential unfold and become a key driver for innovation.
Florian has built a reputation as high-tech leader and practitioner, and advisor in innovation and future tech. He is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Future Council on Quantum Computing, in the Board of Trustees of the International Foundation of Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing, a co- author of Germany’s National Roadmap for Quantum Computing, and on the Advisory Board of Quantum.Tech. Before joining Terra Quantum AG in 2021, he worked at Volkswagen Group in various positions for 11 years, assuming responsibility as Director for the Group’s innovation labs.