Former ACstyria Events & Speakers
Review: Moving On - ACstyria Mobilitätskongress 2022
ACstyria celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2020. A milestone for ACstyria is the further development from a car cluster to a mobility cluster through the expansion of the two competence fields Aerospace and Rail Systems. The resulting synergies between the three fields of competence are to be made more visible within the framework of an event. In the anniversary year, the already established events AUTOCONTACT, RAILCONTACT and AIRCONTACT will be merged into one joint event. The aim is the sustainable networking and exchange of experience among ACstyria partner companies and with national and international players in the three sectors. Contents are to be a cross-competence field mobility topic as well as competence field specific topics. A joint framework programme will facilitate the exchange between the competence fields.


You will find impressions of the last RAILCONTACT-Event here: RAILCONTACT’19
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